Katja Kabanova
Theater Duisburg
His Katja is “such a gentle soul that just a light breeze would blow her away, never mind the thunderstorm descends upon her,” Leoš Janáček remarked in a letter to his lover Kamila Stösslová and went on to add that his story was “full of music from the bottom of my heart.” Because: “it was a picture of you that I saw in Katja Kabanova when I was composing the opera.” These dramatic events are staged by the director Tatjana Gürbaca, who returns to the Deutsche Oper am Rhein after her successes with Strauss’s ‘Salome’ and ‘Arabella’.
- Musikalische Leitung
- Inszenierung
- Bühne
- Kostüme Barbara Drosihn
- Licht
- Dramaturgie
- Katja Kabanova
- Marfa Ignatjewna Kabanova (Kabanicha) Eva Urbanova
- Tichon Iwanytsch Kabanov
- Varvara
- Sawjol Prokofjewitsch Dikoj
- Boris Grigorjewitsch Dikoj
- Wanja Kudrjasch
- Kuligin
- Glascha
- Fekluscha
- Orchester