Europa oder die Träume des Dritten Reichs (UA)
Theater an der Ruhr
The evening interlocks Lars von Trier's films "Europa", "Epidemic" and Charlotte Beradt's collection of texts "Das Dritte Reich des Traums" into a nightmarish interrogation of our present. History as fiction, fiction as history, Nazis and the plague as eternal revenants. A train ride into our past of the future of the past. A theatrical hypnosis.
"You want to wake up to free yourself from the delusion of Europe. But that's not possible."
Funded within the framework of NEUE WEGE by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of NRW in cooperation with the NRW KULTURsekretariat.
- 08.02.2025, 19:00 h
Pasolini. Io so - Mitteilungen an die Zukunft (UA)
- 09.02.2025, 18:00 h
Pasolini. Io so - Mitteilungen an die Zukunft (UA)
- 20.02.2025, 19:30 h
Kein Plan (Kafkas Handy) (UA)
- 21.02.2025, 19:30 h
Kein Plan (Kafkas Handy) (UA)
- 22.02.2025, 19:30 h
Kein Plan (Kafkas Handy) (UA)
- 23.02.2025, 16:00 h
Pasolini. Io so - Mitteilungen an die Zukunft (UA)
- 27.02.2025, 19:30 h
Pasolini. Io so - Mitteilungen an die Zukunft (UA)
- 28.02.2025, 19:00 h
Pasolini. Io so - Mitteilungen an die Zukunft (UA)
Kein Plan (Kafkas Handy) (UA)
- 02.03.2025, 18:00 h
Kein Plan (Kafkas Handy) (UA)